Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Examples Of Tragedy In Antigone - 713 Words
Antigone the Tragic Hero Antigone is thought to be a tragic hero because of everything that had happened to her throughout her life. She lost her father Oedipus through a curse and her brothers through battle. The only one that was left was her sister Ismene. Her brother Polyneices died in battle being a traitor to his family. There was a rule made from the king of Thebes stated that no one can mourn for or bury him. But Antigone did not care she still loved Polyneices and thought that he deserved to have a proper burial like his brother Eteocles. Foreshadowing, mood, and situational irony are used in the drama to explain peripeteia the reversal of fortune, nemesis fate that you cant avoid, and catharsis when the audience is feeling pity†¦show more content†¦Choking, his blood bright red on her white cheek†(Sophocles 973). With the strength that he had left he held Antigone close to him because he loved her. The audience was expecting for Haimon to kill his father but instead he pulled out hi s sword and kill himself to be closer to antigone. Nemesis and peripeteia are not the only things that are being used in the story, Another one is catharsis being used with mood. Catharsis is when the audience is feeling pity for the heros downfall. The audience feels pity for the characters because of how her death caused haimon to also take his own life. Which caused more grief in the story even if it wasnt only antigones family that have people that have dead. Almost everyone in her family is gone all thats left is her sister Ismene. â€Å"Her grief is too great for public lamentation and doubtless she has gone to her chamber to weep for dead son, leading her maidens in his dirge†(Sophocles 981). The messenger thought that antigone’s greif was to great to be crying in public. All of these signs of literary devices are to help the audience give more imagery as they are watching or reading. As stated in the intro paragraph these three devices of peripeteia, catharsis, and nemesis are there to be compared to the literary devices of foreshadowing, situational irony, and with mood. Antigone had to be the most important person in this story, she w as able to make caron even rethink his thoughts onShow MoreRelatedSophocles Antigone By Sophocles967 Words  | 4 PagesTragedy in Antigone Antigone is one of the greatest Greek tragic plays by Sophocles. The play portrays two main characters, Antigone and Creon, who undergo tragedy in the play. Various arguments have been put forth regarding who amongst the two characters is the actual tragic hero in Sophocles’ Antigone. 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All plays must have catharsis, a tragic hero, a change in fortune within a character, must be poetic, and happen in one location, in one day, and it is all closely related. Two main characters are the king Creon and a girl named Antigone. Antigone is a tragedy because it exhibits and follows all five of Aristotle’s rules. The first rule of Greek tragedy is itRead MoreThe Tragic Criteria Present in Antigone by Sophocles861 Words  | 4 Pagesstory has its own occur of events. The main factors that always end a tragedy is through conspiracies, love, or hatred. In the story Antigone written by Sophocles, it demonstrates a tragedy filled with consequences to the characters. Antigone shows similarities to Aristotle’s paradigm because of the plot, characterization, and actions that were pursued throughout this story. 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Because of her attempt to rectify
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